
Use a condom

Using a condom is the only way to protect yourself against Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy. You can get free condoms at all the testing sites for minuttest. The Church City Mission also has orange post boxes with condoms at several of their locations. Read more about condoms and where to get free condoms here.

Get tested for STIs

Did you know that you are protecting yourself against HIV by testing yourself for STIs? If you for instance has gonorea in the throat, anus, or vagina, there is a higher risk to get the HIV virus. And, did you know that many STIs don't have symptoms? When you change partner, we recommend to get tested for STIs. This is for your own health, and others as well. Read mor about STIs and where you can get tested here

Get tested for HIV

How HIV can't be transmitted


Air and water


By sharing toilets and showers or through food and drinks


Insects or pets


Through spit, sweat, tears and urine or any kind of touching, hugging and kissing


By socializing with friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and others

Protect yourself and others by getting tested

HIV testing near me

You can get HIV from


Through sexual intercourse

In Norway, HIV infection mainly occurs through sexual intercourse. You can be infected with HIV if you have vaginal, anal or oral intercourse without a condom.


From mother to foetus or child

In Norway, mothers and children are treated with HIV medicine and breastfeeding is discouraged. This makes the risk of mother to child transmission minimal.


Via infected blood

You can be infected by sharing and reusing syringes and needles. There are also still countries where hospitals do not have such good practices for blood transfusion as we do. In such places one can be infected through a blood transfusion.

Here you can read more about how HIV is transmitted and not transmitted:

Information about sexual health in 12 languages: Church City Mission

Simple animated movies in 5 different languages about HIV, STD and testing: Animated movies

Aksept – centre for all those affected by HIV

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet)

Information about HIV in different languages: The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet)

Information about hiv: Helsenorge.no



PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is a medicine that can prevent the HIV entering cells and reproducing after one has been in a risky situation.  PEP should be taken as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours after being exposed to HIV infection. The treatment lats 28 days.

You can read more about PEP here (Norwegian).



PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a medicine that can be taken by someone who is HIV negative to prevent possible HIV infection. PrEP can be taken just before one knows that there might be a risky situation, or on a daily basis.

You can read more about PrEP here.

Want to know more about hiv?

Would you like to find out more about HIV? Perhaps your workplace or organization would like to learn more? The Church City Mission has a number of businesses who work with HIV, both preventive and psychosocial assistance.


Aksept – centre for all those affected by HIV

Primary Medical Workshop


Living with HIV 


Living with HIV


Living with HIV


Aksept og mestring